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A compilation of Tesla Model S Hidden Features Tips, Tricks & Tidbits for your Tesla Model S as curated by the community members of the TeslaMotors Club (TMC).
Each of the members names are credited with their respective tidbit.
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A) Steering Wheel Controls
- MUTE/PAUSE: when listening to most audio sources, click left steering wheel roller button to pause and resume (or in the case of radio and some streaming services, mutes and unmutes the audio). Nice that this works regardless of what’s displayed on your left-of-speedo info display. [JoshG]
- MIC MUTE: the left steering wheel roller button will mute and unmute the mic when on a call. [DaveVa]
- RECENT CALLS: With a bluetooth phone connected, you can call up a list of recent calls and select one for redial without lifting your hands from the wheel. Click right-side “Menu” button on steering wheel, select the phone icon, and your recent calls will appear on the right-of-speedo info display. Right click-wheel can be used to pick and dial any entry. [JoshG]
- IN-CALL FUNCTIONS: While on a call, clicking the right-hand “Phone” button on the steering wheel brings up a menu of choices such as hang up, mute microphone, or put the call on hold. Select from the options with the right scroll wheel. [Todd Burch]
- SCREEN REBOOT (Main Display): Hold down the middle steering wheel buttons on both sides for a few seconds to reboot the main display.
- SCREEN REBOOT (Driver’s Display):Hold down the top steering wheel buttons on both sides for a few seconds to reboot the driver’s console display. [Todd Burch]
- TAKING SCREEN SHOTS: Hold down the bottom steering wheel buttons on each side for a few moments to grab a screenshot. (Tesla service can access this. We might be able to later). [Todd Burch]
B) Center Console 17″ Touchscreen & Telematics
- FULL-SCREEN SHORTCUT: Clicking an icon along the top edge for an app that’s already displayed makes that one go full screen. Sometimes easier than clicking that tiny little “expand the window” button in the lower corner. Clicking it again in the top bar makes it go back to where it was. [JoshG]
- APP SCREEN LAYOUT SHORTCUTS: The “App” icons from the “Tray” at the top of your 17″ screen can be dragged directly to either the top half or the bottom half of the touchscreen, depending on where you want that app to show up. You can also drag it to the miniature “top-half” and “bottom-half” icons that appear at the top of the screen when you begin dragging an app icon. [JoshG]
- CHARGE SCREEN SHORTCUT: Rather than going through the controls screen, you can simply tap the little Battery icon that is always at the top edge of the 17″ screen. [JoshG]
- BLUETOOTH CONFIGURATION SCREEN: tap the little bluetooth icon that is always at the top of the 17″ screen. [JoshG]
Split the touchscreen so that PlugShare’s charger map is on top using the Tesla browser. Load the Tesla map powered by Google in the pane below. This will allow you to see EV chargers within your proximity while retaining turn-by-turn navigation with traffic conditions. [Teslarati]
- SIRI: iPhone 4S and later can use Siri when paired with your Model S. Mic and speakers in car will function for siri’s voice input and output. However, as of now, there’s no way to trigger Siri from the vehicle controls, you’d still have to press and hold your iOS device home button. [rlowenth]
- TESLA ‘About’ SCREEN: Pressing the tesla logo on the 17″ screen brings up an image of your car, showing your VIN#, firmware version, and most recent firmware release notes. The image of the car on screen should match your actual car’s color, wheel choice (?), roof type, headlights/fogs/DRL state. left turn signal or flashers state, and brake light state. (High beams, pano roof status and windows are not dynamically drawn to match their current state.)
- TESLA ‘EASTER EGG MENU’: An easter egg menu presents all easter eggs that can be activated from a single touch. The menu can be accessed after clicking on the Tesla “T” and then swiping down from the image of the vehicle. Here’s a video outlining how to access Tesla’s Easter Egg Menu.
- TESLA ‘SANTA MODE’ EASTER EGG: This Christmas-themed easter egg called “Santa Mode” transforms your vehicle into Santa’s sleigh and comes with its very own reindeer! Here’s you you access it.
- TESLA ‘SKETCH PAD’ EASTER EGG: Elon Musk reveals a new ‘Sketch Pad’ easter egg that allows one to draw and ‘paint’ directly on the Model S and Model X touchscreen.
- TESLA ‘MARS’ EASTER EGG: Elon Musk baked in the ability to transport your Tesla Model S and Model X to the surface of Mars by activating this easter egg.
- TESLA ‘PERFORMANCE MODE’ EASTER EGG: Simulate different Model S and Model X versions by toggling between performance options. See how to enable ‘performance mode’
Turn the Model S and Model X charge port LED into an array of colors while charging. See how to enable ‘rainbow charge port’ - TESLA ‘COWBELL ROAD’ EASTER EGG:
Elon Musk reveals via Twitter how to put your Autopilot-enabled Tesla on drugs. See how to enable ‘psychedelic cowbell road’ TESLA ‘MEANING OF LIFE’ EASTER EGG:
“The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything” See how it’s done- TESLA LUDICROUS MODE EASTER EGG:
Display an animated graphic of Ludicrous Speed made famous by the movie Space Balls, toggle to and hold down ‘Ludicrous’ for 5 seconds. See the video
- JAMES BOND SUBMARINE EASTER EGG: Unlock the famed Lotus Espirit submarine from the James Bond movie, The Spy Who Loved Me, by pressing and holding the Tesla logo, enter 007, hit OK, and then go to the suspension menu [video]. [great.white.buffalo] of Instagram
- TESLA TEAM EASTER EGG: Pressing the tesla logo on the 17″ screen brings up an image of your car. Press and hold the lower right corner for 10 seconds where the Model version is displayed will make the car zoom off and reveal a picture of the Tesla Staff. [aaron0k]
TEMPERATURE SYNC: You can toggle passenger and driver temperature sync when the “settings” menu is being
displayed. Tap on the up temperature arrow and you can select or deselect the syncing of temperature. [Jammerdjc]- RESET CLOCK TIME & TIME ZONE: Tapping three times on the time displayed on the upper right hand corner of the screen will re-sync the time and time zone based on your location. [KmanAuto]
- SENDING URLS TO MODEL S BROWSER: Typing in URLs directly into the Model S browser can be a slow and arduous experience. A quick way to circumvent this is by adding URLs directly to a calendar event through your mobile or desktop device. From within the Model S Calendar App you’ll be able click on the URLs and view them from the car’s browser without having to type. [Rob M]