A Tesla Model 3 owner who fell victim to a keying incident in the San Francisco Bay Area has located the perpetrator with the help of Sentry Mode and the local police.
Justice Frimpong, a Software Engineer for e-commerce giant Amazon noticed a large scratch on the driver’s side door of his Tesla Model 3 after running everyday errands. The scratch was evidence Frimpong had become the most recent victim of a keying incident on a Tesla vehicle, an all-too-common occurrence as of recently.
After Frimpong noticed the scratch on his Model 3, Sentry Mode captured his reaction to finding the blemish caused by the culprit. Luckily, Sentry Mode also captured the incident of the man scratching Frimpong’s Model 3, as well as multiple angles of the man’s face and his initial approach to the vehicle. Frimpong told Tesla CEO Elon Musk he loves Sentry Mode, and judging by past incidents of the same nature, he knew there was a big possibility the man who keyed his vehicle will be brought to justice.
Sentry mode is 😍 @elonmusk
But still smh pic.twitter.com/hUYQiPTSLK— Justice Frimpong (@IIJustSupremeII) October 22, 2019
Frimpong uploaded a thread of tweets containing several pieces of Sentry Mode footage, including clear angles of the perpetrator’s face and the moment his vehicle was keyed. The tweet thread gained quite a bit of traction, as the story reached local news outlets. With the help of Sentry Mode and the local police department, the man who keyed Frimpong’s Model 3 was brought to justice.
Frimpong stated his Sentry Mode footage captured the license plate of the man who keyed his vehicle. He turned the plate number into police, who were able to use the information to locate the suspect. Frimpong stated the perpetrator denied being in the same location as his Tesla Model 3, but when police told him they were in possession of Sentry Mode footage of the keying, the perpetrator quickly confessed to the crime. The man will be responsible for paying for damages, but it is not known what the motive for the vandalism was.
So in the end I got his info, talked to my insurance, and he will pay for the damages.
I guess you could say "justice" was served lmao
— Justice Frimpong (@IIJustSupremeII) October 24, 2019
Incidents of Tesla vehicles being keyed are becoming far too common in recent months. With the help of Tesla’s Sentry Mode, all of the people who decided to key a vehicle made by the Silicon Valley-based electric car maker have been brought to justice. Earlier in October, a woman in Broomfield, Colorado turned herself in after keying a Model 3 at a high school soccer game. She was booked on the charge of Criminal Mischief, a felony in the area of Colorado where the keying took place.
While keying vehicles will more than likely never stop, Sentry Mode gives Tesla owners the ability to identify the person who damaged their vehicle. In recent incidents, the culprits have been identified and charged with numerous penalties for intentionally keying someone’s Tesla. Sentry Mode has captured many other incidents not related to keying or intentional damage as well. In this instance, however, it is expected the vehicle’s automatically recording cameras will help identify the man who committed this horrible act.