Israel-based StoreDot, a manufacturer of extreme fast charging battery technology for electric vehicles, publicly demonstrated its ability to charge a full-scale EV cell with enough energy for 100 miles in just 5 minutes. The demonstration took place at the EcoMotion Week 2022 event in Israel, where automakers like General Motors, Volvo, Ford, Continental, The Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance, and Hyundai are present.
StoreDot’s demonstration featured a 300-millimeter by 100-millimeter pouch cell manufactured at EVE Energy’s manufacturing plant in China. For perspective, Tesla’s 4680 cell is 46 millimeters wide and 80 millimeters tall, while the 18650 cell is 18 mm wide by 65 mm tall. The battery was charged in under ten minutes, the time limit for the presentation. The cell charge to 20 Ampere-hour (Ah), exceeding the capacity projections for the demonstration, which was 0 percent to 80 percent.
The cell also maintained a charge rate capable of adding 100 miles of range every 5 minutes it is charging. The battery never exceeded 33 degrees Celcius, or 91.4 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well below StoreDot’s recommended operating temperatures, which are set by the company’s engineers. StoreDot also stated that the cell performed at optimum levels in every critical parameter.
The demonstration “further validates StoreDot’s ‘100inX’ strategic technology roadmap,” the company said. StoreDot plans to transform automotive travel with more solutions that offer rapid or extreme fast-charging solutions to automakers and their customers. It also plans to deliver 100 miles in 5 minutes by 2024, 100 miles in 3 minutes by 2028, and 100 miles in 2 minutes by 2032.
A Tesla 4680-like cell replicated on mass-production line by Israel’s StoreDot
“Today’s demonstration represents the successful passing of another milestone on StoreDot’s ambitious technology road map,” StoreDot’s Vice President of Research and Development Yaron Fein said. “Our intensive development program has already delivered batteries capable of exceeding 1200 consecutive extreme fast cycles and we aim to complete the scaling up of more than 1000 cycles in our EV-size cells by the end of this year. We remain poised to achieve 100in5 by 2024, whilst remaining firmly on track to deliver our ultimate goal of 100in2 by 2032.”
StoreDot CEO Doron Myersdorf addressed a panel at the 2022 EcoMotion event where he discussed and advocated for drastic improvements in EV battery charging times. Myersdorf said it was essential for companies to improve charging times as it would accelerate the trend to mass electrified mobility. When people can charge their cars in the same amount of time as they can fill up their tank with gas, customer behavior will change and encourage green mobility, Myersdorf said.
“Successfully proving StoreDot’s extreme fast-charging battery technology in front of a live audience demonstrates the complete confidence we have in our roadmap to deliver a global step-change in electric mobility,” Myersdorf said about the StoreDot battery presentation. “Away from the stage, our transformative technology continues to undergo testing by leading automotive manufacturers in grueling conditions, ensuring no stone is left unturned in the strategic pursuit of delivering excellence to our customers and consigning EV range anxiety to the history books.”
Watch the StoreDot demonstration below: